Check out this informative infographic via You'll have to click on the graphic to view it enlarged.
Not that most educators needed to see this, I think a lot of us are actually pretty exhausted of making the argument for college. What I find most compelling though about this graphic is the lifetime earnings category in the first graph.
Does it truely pay to pay though, as in, is paying for further education now with loans worth the salary in the long term? Stay tuned, in twenty years from now I'll ask my friends with doctoral degrees how it's worked or not worked out for them.
Does it truely pay to pay though, as in, is paying for further education now with loans worth the salary in the long term? Stay tuned, in twenty years from now I'll ask my friends with doctoral degrees how it's worked or not worked out for them.
So that's it everyone, don't major in Elementary Education. The last thing we want is to put intelligent, hardworking people into fields where they are responsible for shaping the minds of the next generation.
Also, don't do social work. Instead become a HVAC installer: you make more money, plus you can still listen to people complain about the heat. Social work.